16 June 2013

Hike: Brunnen - Hochflue - Rigi Scheidegg - Rigi Kulm - Küssnacht

A picture-perfect morning start in Brunnen along Lake of Lucerne.

Starting with a steep climb up 900 meters in the first 2 hours.  It's alot of fun climbing over these boulders!

The dizzying view back towards Brunnen.


A short, but vertical bit back down.

Luckily someone put a cable to hold on to in just the right places.
... and on to the next challenge... to the mountain peak ahead, called Hochflue (elev. 1699 m), is about a 1hr, 500 meter climb from here.

An intimidating vertical section near the top.  Yikes.

The view from atop Hochflue. 

Then we hiked 500m down the other side of Hochflue and headed towards the next two peaks...

... Rigi Scheidegg (1,665 m) and Rigi Kulm (1,798 m)

View to the east towards the "Mythen"

The view back to Hochflue.

The view south towards the alps from atop Rigi Scheidegg.
And finally after 7 hrs of hiking, the 700m nearly vertical descent from Rigi Kulm down towards Küssnacht.

Trying to keep my eye on the trail.  "Don't look down!"

A little bit farther...
We made it down in about 2hrs.  The view back up to the tower on Rigi Kulm where we came from.

1 comment:

  1. Checking out your blog again and this is heart stopping and breath taking! I can't believe those vertical descents! What incredible views...I can't believe you live there! So glad you are able to explore it all!
